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Kattsajt med trafik och inkomst

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Oläst 2007-08-28, 22:15 #1
kandahs avatar
kandah kandah är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: Jan 2005
Inlägg: 92
kandah kandah är inte uppkopplad
kandahs avatar
Reg.datum: Jan 2005
Inlägg: 92
Beskrivning på engelska då jag inte orkar skriva om den. Budgivning börjar på 1000 SEK. Jag föredrar att buden läggs i tråden och inte privat. |

URL: http://tinyurl.com/2uh8o5 (stealthed)

Detailed stats: http://tinyurl.com/35uf2v (stealthed)

An entertainment blog with cat videos, pictures and information. This blog was started a couple of weeks ago and quickly became very popular. Viral if you will. I never did any marketing at all except submit the main page to stumbleupon, it's all about the content baby.

There are 185 posts already, I have done 10 new posts each day since launch (except weekends.) Users are used to regular updates and come back from bookmarks.

There are already returning visitors who comment and submit pictures.

60'000 UNIQUE visitors in 2,5 weeks, 33'000 bookmarks.

Judging from the high PR and SERP backlinks I got from many popular sites I expect a juicy PR5 or PR6 for this domain.

Income source is adsense and it brought $50 since release. See screenshot below for the month of August, I started this site August 9:


The site is run on wordpress and fully SEO'd, google loves it as well as other SE's as you can see in the stats linked above. Most of the current traffic is google SE traffic, bookmarks and social bookmark referrals not to mention massive DIGG traffic. Stumbleupon users LOVE the site, see for yourself.

Here is a chance to own a great site with unlimited potential. If you wonder why I sell it it's because this is what I do, I make cool sites and build traffic for them and then sell them, I dont much like running sites, I like to make them. See my rep for links to other high quality sites I have made which have been purchased by happy buyers.

No installation or hosting included unless we reach an agreement on that.

If you have questions or want to make a private offer I can be reached at PM, ICQ 41 555 245 and dan at tzolkinmedia dot com.
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