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Oläst 2006-05-04, 02:37 #85
Nikke Lindqvists avatar
Nikke Lindqvist Nikke Lindqvist är inte uppkopplad
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Inlägg: 202
Nikke Lindqvist Nikke Lindqvist är inte uppkopplad
Nikke Lindqvists avatar
Reg.datum: Dec 2005
Inlägg: 202
Så kom då äntligen lite officiellt lugnande ord från Google också:

You should now see that your 2nd payment has been confirmed and
you can expect to see the amount in your bank account in the next day
or so.

Currently, it may appear that your AdSense account is on hold and that
the EFT payment failed. This didn't affect your payment and we will
be removing the hold by the end of the week. You may have also
noticed that your bank account was marked 'DEPOSIT FAILED'. We
will be resetting your bank account to 'VERIFIED' by the end of the

If you changed your form of payment due to the hold notice, please
feel free to change it back to your EFT bank account next week after
we have reset the account to ‘VERIFIED’.

Should you have any issues on Monday with your payment or your
account, please feel free to email us at that time.

We appreciate your patience.


The Google AdSense Team
Personligen tycker jag att de kunde ha klämt ur sig den här redan i tisdags.
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